Hello, how are you feeling today?

Your usual answer is likely to be “I’m fine” or “I’m good”, “Not bad” or another similar answer…

What I’m asking you is ‘How are you really, really feeling today???

The answer to this is far more difficult for us women to come up with. 

We’re often the one that is keeping it all together for everyone else in our lives and if we weaken by saying that we’re not OK then we feel that our entire lives may crumble around us and we can’t even go there in our heads, never mind saying it out loud…I allow you the opportunity to do just this in a safe and comfortable surrounding where you can just BE yourself. By doing this you surrender to the healing process that will in turn heal everyone else in your life. Now I ask you….”How would that feel?”

There are hundreds of Flower, Gem and Environmental Essences available to us that can aid in the relief of feeling overwhelmed and other emotions that hinder our everyday lives. These essences all come from nature and it makes you realise why nature was there long before we evolved into the concrete jungle we now live in. 

What would it be like to Spring Clean your Brain? 

An Access Consciousness treatment clears all the rubbish that clogs our heads and allows limitless possibilities that goes beyond our imagination. How can life get better than this? 

How we can help using holistic treatments

Perhaps you’ve tried various holistic treatments before and you’ve felt they’ve not quite worked for you. You could have tried reflexology, reiki or something else. When you come to me I look at the whole person not just at the one issue that’s presenting itself. You may think you have a problem with sinuses, want reflexology to hep you get pregnant or just want to be less stressed. 

During your consultation, I take into account every aspect of the whole person sitting in front of me. Believe me, it’s never just one issue! I’ll use a combination of treatments to address the underlying issue helping you truly move forward.

How calm are you feeling within yourself?


When you come to us, I help you get clarity


so that you can move forward and are transformed


“Begin your journey to a better life with peace, love, beauty, and happiness”

Treatments available